Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Prayers and meditation

Today I was chanting for my Deities, praying and asking them to protect little Riley and Addison, they are adorable little boys who were born 15 weeks early. Their mother is on of the sweetest online friends on can have, always supportive, positive, helpful, just a wonderful woman all around.

These little boys are in good hands with such a nice mother. Krishna please protect their tiny bodies, give them strength, warmth and everything they need to grow and grow and grow.

I'm going Thursday for a not so great appointment, and I need to tell the doc about those swollen glands in my armpits and back of my head. I haven't been able to sleep on my back since almost two weeks now because they are so painful.
I don't want to hear anything scary or heavy. I am not ready for it. So I just try to pretend it's not there.


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